Festive in Fishnet

There are so many trends taking over this Holiday season...but this one may be my favorite! We all know how obsessed I am with Stuart Weitzman All Legs, so I decided to mix 'em up and try my hand at the Festive in Fishnets trend! 

I adore the look of a thigh high boot with fishnets BUT it absolutely MUST be done right! It would be very easy to turn a fun and flirty look into a...well...let's just say a look that probably wouldn't be allowed at most company Christmas Parties. So if you're going to have a go at the thigh highs + fishnet trend, my rules are few: 1) NO BODY CON DRESSES (tight on tight on tight is too much, leave something to the imagination) 2) NO EXCESSIVE CLEAVAGE (pick one, upper thigh or cleavage...showing both off is a little much) 3) NO EXCESSIVE JEWELRY (it's all about balance, try to accentuate the detail of the fishnet by making it the focal point of the outfit rather than contrasting it with an overload of sparkly jewelry). 

I paired mine with one of my favorite sweater dresses of all time. Seriously, Free People knocked this one out of the park! So easy to dress it up AND dress it down. Highly recommend! Hope you all have an amazing week and Happy Holidays!!!


PS: Aquafina would like to remind you all to stay hydrated this season...we don't need anyone getting run over by a reindeer!